Desk with USB and Electrical Outlet(s)
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Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port QL100SI Height: 16” tall'' UCT201RLH Height: 27” tall'' UWB942DWH Height: 21” tall'' U2E222DRWH Height: 26” tall'' Finish: Brushed Steel Finish: Black Finish: Blue & Brushed Steel Finish: Brushed Steel Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port U2E565RWH Height: 27” tall'' U2E452RLH Height: 26” tall'' UHB222DRLH Height: 26” tall'' UBL106DWHT Height: 29” tall'' Finish: Gunmetal with Black Accents Finish: Hammertone Bronze Finish: Hammertone Bronze Finish: Brushed Steel/Blue Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port ULM106DWHT Height: 29” tall'' LD800SI Height: 18.5” tall'' U2E199RLH Height: 26” tall'' U2E915DRWH Height: 26” tall'' Finish: Brushed Steel/Lime Green Finish: Brushed Steel Finish: Madison Bronze Finish: Brushed Steel Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port Desk Lamp w/elec and USB port U2E561RWH Height: 27” tall'' U2E700EWH Height: 27” tall'' U2E701DWH Height: 26” tall'' Finish: Brushed Steel Finish: Brushed Steel Finish: Champagne/Metallic Bronze